Troop 1203 is Philmont bound!

Who: Members of Troop 1203 or Crew 1203 are invited to attend. Youth attendees must be at least 14 and not yet 21. Those who join this trek will participate in rigorous preparation hikes.

When: August 13-22, 2011 Our actual Philmont time is from August 14-21.

Where: Cimarron, New Mexico

Cost: Total cost will be about About $800.00 - $1,000.00.  Philmont fees are $441, transportation to Colorado Springs about $225 - $350.00, bus to Philmont about $95.00. Second payment is due by October 1. Those who have already made the first installment will owe $170 on October 1. All others will need to pay $270.

Fundraising: Troop 1203 has signed up for popcorn site sales this year.   36% of all popcorn sales will go directly to the scouts campship account and can be used for Philmont Trek payments.